Batch picking

Batch picking originally refers to the batchwise processing of orders, particularly in logistics and especially in the picking of goods. In batch picking, customer or item orders are combined in a batch and then processed together.

There are different types of batch picking, including

1. Two-stage picking: here, item orders are grouped into batches and initially collected at a collection point. This is followed by the actual picking process, in which the items are removed from the batches and prepared for dispatch.
2. Fixed batch: With this method, the orders are collected in predefined batches and then processed together. This enables orders to be processed in a planned and structured manner.
3. Floating Batch: In contrast, with Floating Batch the batches can be created dynamically, depending on demand and availability of resources. This enables more flexible handling of orders and adaptation to changing requirements.

Batch picking is used in various logistics industries, including warehousing, retail, e-commerce and distribution. By grouping orders into batches, companies can streamline their operations, increase efficiency and reduce processing time.

In today’s world, where fast and efficient order fulfillment is critical to the success of businesses, batch picking plays an important role. By using this method correctly, companies can optimize their inventory levels, reduce errors and improve customer satisfaction