Basic Number

The Basic Number is an important part of the EAN 128 barcode system, which is used in logistics and retail to identify products. This number forms the core of the code and uniquely identifies the product.

In the EAN 128 code, the basic number consists of a numerical value that represents a specific article number or reference number. It is often combined with additional data such as batch numbers, expiry dates or serial numbers to represent further information about the product.

The use of the Basic Number enables quick and precise recording of product data at various stages of the supply chain. It is used by manufacturers, distributors, logistics companies and retailers to track the flow of goods, manage stocks, process orders and ensure traceability.

By uniquely identifying products, the Basic Number helps to increase efficiency and reduce errors in logistics processes. It enables precise tracking of goods movements, stock levels and deliveries, resulting in an optimized supply chain and improved customer satisfaction.

Overall, the Basic Number plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency, accuracy and efficiency in modern logistics and retail by providing a consistent and standardized method of product identification.