
From the old world to the new – transformation in intralogistics

Intralogistics projects are always primarily about one thing: optimisation. Throughput times should be reduced, capacities increased, costs lowered…

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Maßanzug mit Stichnähten und Maßband

Change Request Management in Intralogistics

If you decide to use a warehouse management system, you usually have two options: Either you acquire a license to use the software or you are the…

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Photo of a gray lab machine with pipettes by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash.

How to respond quickly and confidently to changes in pharmaceutical intralogistics

Ensuring that certain temperature conditions are maintained is the be-all and end-all in pharmaceutical logistics. Transport service providers and…

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TUP inaugurates new office building

The software company TUP has reason to celebrate: barely 14 months after the foundation stone was laid for the second construction phase, the highly…

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TUP as exhibitor at the BVL Supply Chain Forum Southwest 2023

Innovations, highlights and best practices from supply chain management (SCM) and logistics in mechanical and plant engineering – this is what…

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TUP and AIM guests on the german ‘Irgendwas mit Logistik’ podcast

Just in time for the first working day of the new year, we celebrate TUP’s podcast debut. Last year, together with our strategic partner…

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TUP annual review of 2022

Another year has passed. 365 days in which many things have moved, both as a result of economic developments and the tense global situation. General…

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Image of an automated guided vehicle in factory pulling three engine blocks. License: MakoGomez90 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:AGV_con_carro.jpg), „AGV con carro“, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode

VDA 5050 – Using driverless transport vehicles as a mixed fleet

As a standardized communication interface, VDA 5050 enables the exchange of status and order data between automated guided vehicles (AGVs), automated…

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TUP expertise on automation control in the WMS report of ‘Irgendwas mit Logistik’

We are pleased to be part of the latest topic report of the logistics platform ‘Something with Logistics’ (IWML). The 180+ page…

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How Imposter Systems Help Test Intralogistics Efficiently

Intralogistics systems often communicate with upstream and downstream instances, such as the ERP or CEP service providers. This often results in…

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The TUP Series – Hands-on Analytics – Exemplary Analysis

The goal of all evaluations should be to create transparency. Especially in areas where the current state of knowledge is accepted as given or where…

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Risk-minimized migration under running wheel thanks to rotary control principle

Project report of a modernization for an innovative power tool manufacturer In order to take into account the rapidly developing new possibilities of…

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Canyon Showroom with three

A new facility and a cross-site software package for Canyon

TUP implemented two large-scale projects for the bicycle manufacturer Canyon. In a short time, a new production site with optimized intralogistics…

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LogiMAT 2022 in retrospect

The logistics sector had to wait two years, but on May 31, 2022, the time had finally come: The gates opened at 9:00 a.m. and, to our positive…

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TUP campus grows: space for 80 new employees

In the presence of Stutensee Mayor Petra Becker, TUP laid the foundation stone for a new office building in Stutensee on May 24, 2022. It will create…

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Multilingual welcome sign at Breuninger WDZ

Breuninger combines three locations in a state-of-the-art multi-channel warehouse

Branch store delivery and direct customer delivery have their very own requirements. This duality must also be reflected in intralogistics. A new,…

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Official name change of the company – Welcome to TUP GmbH & Co. KG

It is with great pleasure that we announce our official name change: TUP GmbH & Co. KG is history. We welcome you to the newly renamed TUP GmbH…

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Helmut Kainrad CFO GRASS Group

The Management Perspective of Helmut Kainrad – Customer Reference – GRASS Group

In the interview series, we talk to employees of the GRASS Group about the cooperation in the project for the central warehouse in Hohenems. The…

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Jürgen Mortisch Responsible for Strategic Logistics GRASS Group

The Perspective of Strategic Logistics Expert Jürgen Moritsch – Customer Reference – GRASS Group

In the interview series, we talk to employees of the GRASS Group about the cooperation in the project Central Warehouse Hohenems. The second part of…

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Mnauel Bonn ERP Team GRASS Group

The ERP Team Perspective by Manuel Bonner – Customer Reference – GRASS Group

In this interview series, we talk to employees of the GRASS Group about the cooperation in the Hohenems central distribution center project. In the…

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Rene Malojer Head of the central distribution center of the GRASS Groupi ns Hohenems

The perspective of the central distribution center manager Rene Malojer – Customer reference – GRASS Group

In this interview series, we talk to employees of the GRASS Group about the cooperation in the Hohenems central distribution center project. In the…

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Pallets on materials handling technology in the GRASS central distribution center in Hohenems

Four perspectives on the implementation of the GRASS central distribution center in Hohenems

With more than 200 sales partners in 60 countries, GRASS is a company that benefits from a solid logistics underpinning. The Würth Group company is…

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Laptop with graphs. Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/f4pUuCc3M0g

The TUP content series – Hands-on analytics, an introduction

In our Analytics series, we have already taken a look at the different tiers of analytics. With the TUP Hands-on Analytics series, our goal is to…

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LogiMat 2022 Stuttgart Halle 8 Stand A31

TUP at LogiMAT Stuttgart – 08-10 March 2022

In 2022, the great trade fair of the world of logistics is going to take place again! After the European version of LogiMAT had to be canceled in the…

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