CEO, CFO | Owner

Simon Thomas

“It is essential to support one another at all levels to ensure a high degree of quality. Only by combining the skills and knowledge of several people complex or extensive tasks can be successfully implemented.”

CEO, CMO | Owner

Mathias Thomas

“My greatest goal is to create a company in which 140 people are happy in a certain way and have no basic fears. It is clear to me that this can only be achieved through the constant commitment and participation of everyone.”

CIO | Managing Director

Eduard Wagner

“In many areas, logistics offers new facets every year that our company can engage with. It is our declared and constant goal to find the niches in which fresh ideas can be born. That’s where my focus as CIO lies.”

COO | Managing Director

Günther Pfisterer

“Growth needs structure. That’s why I am concerned with the development of strategic concepts for our customers and for ourselves, in order to find the best way to the destination for everyone involved using the multi-faceted means of the digital working world.”

We are a family of experts

We are a family-owned company active throughout Europe that plans and implements warehouse management systems. We specialise in high-quality software solutions for intralogistics; in addition to routing the flow of materials within distribution centers, we also develop individual solutions for in-house warehouse management systems. For and with our customers, such as Breuninger, Bosch, Zalando, Adidas, Baur or the Otto Group, we develop individual and tailor-made solutions for logistics and distribution centers.

Over the last decades we have become one of the leading specialists for intelligent intralogistics solutions. We owe our technological leadership position to our first-class employees. We therefore offer specialists who want to develop themselves further, interesting and challenging jobs in our fields of expertise. For those who want to dive deep into one of our topics, we also provide mentoring by our senior staff.

Our open positions

Photo of a red sign with Clem Onojeghuo
on Unsplash" />

Your speculative application

TUP is looking for additional members of staff in many areas. You are welcome to send us a speculative application if none of our vacancies directly…

Open position – Vocational training for IT system management

During your vocational training as an IT systems management assistant (m/f/d), you will learn about the commercial aspect as well as agile project…

Java software developer (f/m/d)

Unsere Entwickler setzen spannende und abwechslungsreiche Anforderungen im gesamten Entwicklungsprozess um – von der individuellen Analyse, über die…

Foto von panumas nikhomkhai von Pexels

Working student positions as DevOps Engineer

Bei uns erwarten Dich abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben auf dem Spielfeld der Intralogistik. Im Zeitalter zunehmenden Onlinehandels ist das eine spannende…

Working student positions in the areas of software development and project management (f/m/d)

Bei uns erwarten Dich abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben auf dem Spielfeld der Intralogistik. Im Zeitalter zunehmenden Onlinehandels ist das eine spannende…

Member of staff IT-Engineering and DevOps (f/m/d)

Unsere IT-Engineering- und DevOps-Spezialisten betreuen die Hard- und Software bei uns im Haus und bei unseren Kunden.

Graduation Theses – Bachelor/Master

TUP betreut regelmäßig Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten von Fachbereichen wie Informatik, Logistik und Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen. Während der Arbeit…

Engaged in research and education

We create and share intralogistics know-how

Via our platform ‘Logistik KNOWHOW’ we provide the necessary know-how for many logistics areas. Our aim is to make this complex field accessible and understandable.

Thanks to our close cooperation with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, we offer student trainees a start in their professional life and supervise final theses in-house. We place great emphasis on integration into projects to ensure that the research work is also applied in practice.

We are a training company and also offer positions for the dual curriculum StudiumPLUS.

Your application - Help us to get to know you

Your documents

For a complete application, we need a cover letter, a CV and if applicable, existing certificates, so that we can get to know you better in advance.

The application process and privacy protection

In our open positions you can find our current openings. Send us your digital application documents, preferably as a PDF file, to the specified e-mail address. If you have not found a suitable opening, but would still like to contact us, we look forward to receiving your proactive application.

Privacy notice
We collect or process your personal data according to the following guidelines (information in accordance with Article 13 of the Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO). Responsible according to article 24 is TUP GmbH & Co.KG represented by Simon Thomas and Mathias Thomas. Our data protection officer is Mr Steffen Schreibmaier, 0721-78340 ( The data provided by you will be used exclusively for processing your application. The mentioned processing is legitimized by article 88 DSGVO and § 26 BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act). A transfer to third parties or a transmission to third countries does not take place. The data will be deleted immediately after completion of the application process. If you agree that we may use your data beyond this period in our pool of interested candidates for further job openings, we ask for your consent by e-mail or by mail. You have the right of access to the personal data collected, of correction or deletion and restriction of processing and the right to object to processing; you also have the right of data transferability. These rights cannot be exercised retroactively and may influence the application process (e.g. in the event of deletion). You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority LfDI Baden-Württemberg, at

How our application process works

Depending on the job offer, we will invite you to a telephone interview or job interview on the TUP campus. After the interviews we will contact you again and inform you about the status of your application.

Give us some time

We need some time to carefully review your application documents. However, we will contact you as soon as we have news about the status of your application.

Our company culture

Shape our company culture with us

Work-time is lifetime, therefore we provide an environment in which all TUP employees can help shape the company culture.

You can look forward to the following perks:

  • A fitness room, where our personal trainer Andreas will take care of you
  • Several boules teams that regularly hold tournaments
  • A running and and a climbing group
  • A table tennis table and ambitious players in our cafeteria
  • An active cooking group, in which many cooks provide for variety
  • A regular back fitness course and much more
Learn more about our values
Melissa Jöckle - HR-representative of TUP

Melissa Jöckle

Your contact for questions and feedback

At TUP the satisfaction of the employees is the focus of the company, therefore it is important for us to find not necessarily those with a flawless CV, but those that will help us evolve our company culture and our services.