The advantages of our Warehouse Management System at one glance

The TUP.WMS is the core of the TUP portfolio and provides best practices for all processes, such as goods receipt and issue, storage and picking. It supports all common warehouse techniques and processes, from manual to fully automated, and enables you to implement a variety of warehouse strategies. Discover the advantages for your intralogistics.


Best possible utilisation of your warehouse logistics through optimised material flow control

Our solution approach for the internal flow of goods, TUP.MFC calculates in real-time the best route for goods through your heterogeneous conveyor and logistics technology. The utilization of available facility resources and work stations is always taken into account. Thanks to the SAIL standard, our TUP.MFC can run on all common platforms and is able to communicate with all available automated warehouse technologies.

Lagerverwaltungssoftware LVS warehouse management system WMS


Manual sort order picking as fast as an automatic sorter

Heterogeneous article ranges and sharp seasonal fluctuations in demand require a flexible solution that enables economic capacity utilization. Especially for warehouses in which automation is too high a cost factor, or the topology cannot be adapted, our IT-supported manual sort order picking offers cost-effective and sustainable added value.


Logistics control center

Whether control center or mobile handheld, our TUP.WLD always puts you in the position to make the right decisions with a focused overview: Synchronize time, personnel and machines order-related and in real-time in order to proactively manage the order flow of the day instead of reacting to bottlenecks. Our logistics control center provides you with the necessary information and intervention options.


Efficient inventory management for the aviation sector

The industry solution for intralogistics in aviation, which improves and makes your logistics processes safer and more secure through mobile devices and route optimization. Every minute that a plane of the fleet sits in the hangar costs money. This is where the reduction of intermediate steps and the use of Enterprise Resource Planning systems in combination with mobile terminals offer the greatest potential.


Transform your system data into added value through networking

There are many parameters that can affect the performance of your internal processes. Only if your data is recorded accurately and conveniently the right decisions can be derived from it. With our solution for production data acquisition and its simple, clear operation, the desired transparency in your processes is achieved.


Optimized deliveries by your industrial trucks throughout your facilities

We adapt our industrial truck control system to your individual warehouse topology. The modular approach of our software allows you to easily integrate it in different expansion stages, from manual warehouses to highly automated and networked materials handling systems.


Individual dialogs, parallel process worlds and easy integration of additional scanners

The various mobile operating systems offer you a wide selection of state-of-the-art hardware and a flexible basis for modular expansion. TUP.SML takes into account the critical aspects of mobile end devices in intralogistics: fail-safety, easy operability with gloves, fast rollouts of new dialogs and high vendor independence.


Increase the throughput of your picking processes

The hybrid system puts the process first. Instead of using ‘pure’ picking techniques, the mixed system extracts and combines aspects from methods such as pick-to-light, pick-by-light, pick-by-scan. The hybridity also extends to the hardware used: The setup of the pick-by-light principle is replaced by dialogs in smart devices such as MDTs or smartphones.